Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother: The sign of stability in any home

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

After Christ and the Sacrament He left for us all, probably the most Catholic teaching of our faith is that of the Virgin Mary. Catholics believe that Mary is not only Mother of God, but also Mother of us all and Mother of the Church. Thus revered by all Catholics in a special way. This distinguishes Catholics from Protestant churches, which mostly do not recognize Mary in the same way.

As proof of our devotion to the Blessed Mother, We (Catholics) separate the month of May as a time when we most venerate the presence of Mary in our lives and the help she gives in our prayers.

One of the most beautiful aspects of all good mothers is their stable presence in the lives of their children. Children always turn to their mother when in need; the mother is the sign of stability in any home. The mother is at the heart of all family life and if the truth be told, mothers are revered by their children.

The same applies to the Virgin Mary. Her presence in our life of faith is permanent and when we cannot pray very well to her Son, she intercedes for us. We crowned Mary as Queen of all believers in Christ and the Catholic Church at mass on mothers day. This coronation recognizes the importance of the Mother. It was also a way for our parish and us all to wish all our mothers a very happy Mothers Day! You are all special, just as Mary is to all believers.

For your reflection:

On this Mothers Day, what is the greatest complement you can pay to your earthly mother?
How important to your faith is the relationship you have with the Virgin Mary?
When was the last time you prayed to the Blessed Mother?

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