Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 things I’ve confirmed about life based on events in the last few years

Just reached into my vault and pulled up 10 of the most important things I’ve learned in the last few years based on many facts I gathered along the way.

By Hinsley Njila


I have seen so much corruption around the world to now confirm that corruption is neither African nor a precursor to poverty. Corruption is as human as breathing, and discrimination.

- History really does repeat itself.

- The mind is by far the most powerful and valued part of your body.

- Middle class means you are educated enough to know what you want, but not rich enough to be able to afford it.

- You really can fool most of the people most of the time.

- I would never understand why humans lack the will and ability to stamp out poverty, hunger, domestic abuse, provide drinking water for each other etc, which collectively probably cost less than building nuclear bombs and fighting wars.

- Poverty is the worst disease humans have ever known, it probably kills more people a day than all diseases combined kill in a year– every bad thing is worse among poor people.

- Some degree of stupidity cannot be cured by education alone.

- Money and religion are the root of most of the evil or excuses to be evil in many parts of the world. Ironic in my view.

- Consistent and prolonged bad leadership is the central and most significant variable in the equation to determine why some countries are poorer than others.

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