The minister of Public Health,
Andre Mama Fouda.
Dear Sir,
What is the UNFPA? The UNFPA is the United Nations Population Fund.
Its origins.
After the sudden collapse of communism and the end of the cold war, there was a shift of priorities from military to economic security. America and the Western Powers woke up to a hash reality.
The population of Africa and other developing countries were growing too fast for comfort. They could become demographic superpowers causing a shift in the balance of power. Population size is getting more and more important as the determinant of international power. The United States of America and the West powers knew this and they were not resting on their oars. They took the fight to reduce the population of the developing nations as a priority.
The developing countries must be stopped at all cost through POPULATION CONTROL
They spread “OVERPOPULATION SCARE”: - Sustainable development. Using the fallacy of Malthusian Theory, of population ideology to influence international agencies and governments.
Invoking so called new “women’s rights” while underestimating
and undermining the woman’s vocation to give life.
ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS; Invoking them in an excessive or improper way to justify coercive population control
CONTRACEPTIVE IMPERIALISM: Attempt to spread abortifacient products such as RU486, Norplant, the patch, and pills in very poor countries, where experts say that “natural methods of birth control are easy to teach and understand. The health of a mother is furthered through spacing childbirth in a natural way, which harms neither mother or child. No side effects.
STERILIZATION AND CONDOMS: The global spread of sterilization and condoms
With branches all over the developing world , is the most effective organ used to control population growth. The organization works mainly among women promoting pills, contraceptives, condoms, sterilization and abortion. It has been most successful among poor and illiterate women. The ignorance of these women is exploited and many of them have suffered terribly, morally, mentally and physically. The main aim of the International Planned Parenthood Federation is to stop the population growth of the developing countries. The organization receives billion of dollars from sponsors, and bribes people and ignorant or irresponsible African governments to promote its work. They concentrate on condoms as one of their most effective instruments.
These have been the main instruments used by big organizations like the IMF, USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. See their conditionalities on soft loans.
The population control ideology asserts wrongly that, in order for a nation to advance economically or socially, it must reduce the fertility rate of its people to replacement or below. This contention ignores basic economic and demographic realities, namely, that nations with relatively large populations have more weight on the world scene and that as shown by late Julian Simon, population growth is positively correlated with economic growth.
Immediately President George W. Bush came to power he stopped American Policy of Depopulating Developing countries.
The Bush administration is doing everything possible to reverse and distant itself from this inhuman and heinous policy.
The first thing Bush did was to stop all government funds for population control of the developing world. He cut off the funding of UNFPA, but the EU announced that it would make up the shortfall in the UNFPA budget. UNFPA officials and their pro-abortion and anti-life allies greeted the EU decision with great joy.
Now UNFPA is heavily funded mainly by EU countries and pro-abortion and other anti-life organizations.
It is very unfortunate that although African countries and other developing countries are members of the United Nations, they have little or no influence in this committee of nations. The UNFPA has become Africa ’s number one enemy in depopulating the continent. Africans are fighting against the scourge of diseases, famine, and wars, but how can Africans fight against the UNFPA, which presents itself as doing good when in fact it is spearheading depopulation of Africa and thereby keeping the continent poor.? How can Africa fight a monster which has billions of dollars to carry out its work of dearth using lies, coercion and down right bribery?
The aid from UNFPA is a “Trojan Horse”, a poison coated with sugar. What African countries must do is to condemn the nefarious activities of the UNFPA and to campaign at the U.N. for UNFPA to stop its murderous policy of depopulating Africa and other developing countries.
Unfortunately, Cameroon is one of the Victims of UNFPA.
When UNFPA talks of “reproductive health services” it means, Abortion, contraception, sterilization, and condoms. This is the language or concept which entered the U.N. vocabulary at the 1994 Cairo Conference, which the present Bush administration and other developing countries are against.
Mr. Minister, I read with great concern and apprehension, in the Post News paper No.0984 of Monday, 08/09/08, that you got UNFPA gift material worth over FCFA 250M. What is more disturbing is the fact that the Cameroon Government and UNFPA intend to implement a murderous plan which spans from 2008 to 2012. In the next five years, UNFPA will provide FCFA 7. billion as assistance to the Cameroon government including FCFA 2.1 billion as funding from multi-donors and other co-funding sources(to depopulate Cameroon and keep it poor)
Any fool can see at a glance that the transport vehicles supplied are meant to distribute quickly the murderous equipment supplied:
7 Hilux pickups, worth 86 million
4 Prados, worth 34 million
18 motorbikes, worth 12 million
The depopulating and killing equipment
Male and female condoms
Assortment of contraceptives: worth 72 million
UNFPA also provided reproductive health Kits for caesarean section, delivery, episiotomy, and mini-laparotomy kits, traditional birth attendant kits and vacuum extractors worth over 8 million ( UNFPA equipment to be used for reproductive health services) (abortion, contraception, sterilization and condoms)
Mr. Minister, may I remind you that Abortion and sterilization our criminal acts punishable under the Cameroon Law. There is no doubt in my mind that UNFPA intends slowly to influence the moral minds of Cameroonians and their sensitivity against murder.
From the above you can see the intentions of UNFPA. No malaria tablets or drugs for other diseases where donated, only items to control our population.
We abhor and condemn the activities of UNFPA and we appeal to the Cameroon Government to resist the diabolic efforts of UNFPA to stop our population growth so that we remain undeveloped and poor.
By Chief A.S. Ngwana