Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Power of Advent

Advent began last Sunday. It is not simply 4 days of preparation for Christmas. It is a holy season of its own. It is the time when we focus on blessings already received through the presence of Christ in our world and the promise of future blessings to come.

Yemti Harry Ndienla

Advent divides itself tidily into two parts: the first two weeks that bring our minds to think of the end times when this world will reach its conclusion and Christ will return.
The second two weeks lead us to remember Christ’s first coming and how that comes about.
Advent is about remembering and longing and waiting doing so joyfully.
We are not always good at remembering, especially when it comes to the good things of life. We are quite good at longing. We all desire in our hearts to be more whole, more complete, happier human beings. As for waiting and waiting patiently let alone, joyfully, that may be something we need to practice.
In the United States of America for example, the “holy season” begins on Thanksgiving day (27th Nov) Everything tells there are x amount of shopping days until Christmas. Whilst that may be true, has any one told you there are x amount of remembering days and longing days and waiting days till Christmas?
Try celebrating Advent this year. You may be surprised to find it will help you celebrate Christmas, when it comes, with a touch more joy.

For your reflection:
Can you remember three blessings received since last Advent?
Can you name three things that you long for most?
Are you any good at waiting patiently?

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