Friday, January 9, 2009

Have you made a visit to the Nativity Scene in your Church?

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

Scholars of the Bible and theologians have various ideas and theories about the Feast of the Epiphany and the Three Kings story. It’s now generally thought by the experts that the 3 Wise Men took two years to arrive at the birthplace of Jesus and so it was quite possible they visited the Christ child as a toddler at his home in Nazareth, not in the manger.

If this is true, what about all the depictions in art of the Nativity Scene in the stable with baby Jesus and the Kings? Art is merely a reflection of truth and beauty. How that truth and beauty is reflected is not important.

No matter when or how the three Kings visited Jesus, the important fact is that they did do it and when they arrived, they made homage. They were the first to worship God made man. This truth can be depicted in art in various ways.

In our own lives, we have maybe not always been the first to worship at the birthplace of Jesus. Maybe we put other things before him. Maybe the truth of Jesus is not perfectly depicted.
But what is important is that we do worship Him. It is important at this time to know that Jesus is our Savior and to do him homage. It was important for the Three Kings, even if it took them 2 years to arrive.

For your reflection
Have you made a visit to the Nativity Scene in your Church? (This is the last week of the Christmas Season)
What is the most beautiful thing you see there?
What truth does this scene teach you?

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