Thursday, October 30, 2008

What makes a good president?

Americans have the very serious responsibility of electing a new president in the coming weeks.

What makes a good president?

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

It is a bit like the article I wrote a few weeks ago about “What makes a Great Man, great?”

I concluded that it was “God values” not “Human values”

God asks of a new president, the same that He asks of all of us. The words of the prophet Micah sum up what God asks: “that you act justly, that you love tenderly, that you walk humbly with God”

Which of the candidates reflects best what God is asking of all mankind?

That candidate will make for the best president.

Maybe that candidate is lacking in other skills or talents.

Then we must trust that God will equip him with the strength he needs and the humility to learn.

It is important that the new president act justly for all regardless of race, age or gender and not to lose sight that to be president is to serve. Humility is necessary. It is also important that the president learns how to love the people that he serves or else he will end up only loving himself. When that happens, corruption follows.

Let us pray for all those voting in the coming days. Let us pray for wisdom. Let us pray that God will give America a good president who is also a good man.

For your reflection:

Will you vote in America?

Will you pray before you vote?

Does either candidates represent “God values” to you?

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