Friday, December 24, 2010

Barack Obama: An all-round relative Related to seven former presidents and possible this reporter

In an interview with Esquire Magazine, disgraced former governor of the state of IIIinios, Rod Blagojevich is quoted as saying he is “blacker” than US president Barack Obama. Though many questioned how this could be possible owing to the fact that the former governor is completely a lighskin person, I picked no fault in Blago’s widely criticized statement. His father was a polygamist who gave birth to numerous children scattered around the world. The mother too was no different though with fewer children.

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

Obama, by no fault of his is today related to almost everybody including this reporter. Genealogists once said the president and Massachusetts senator, Scott Brown, are 10th cousins. Both Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Brown’s mother, Judith Ann Rugg, descended from Richard Singletary of Haverhill, Mass, The New England Historic Genealogical Society
“I think it’s a really interesting thing, where you have the separation between a Democrat and a Republican, but you have one link,” said David Allen Lambert, the society genealogist who co-discovered the connection with colleague Chris Child. Lambert said the work was aided by prior research about Obama, as well as Brown’s cooperation with the society when researchers first contacted him in about a year ago.

Besides the republican senator from Massachusetts, the society discovered in 2008 that Obama is related to seven former presidents of the Unite States, including George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon Johnson, James Madison, and actor Brad Pitt.

Like Obama, the society found also that Brown is related to six prior presidents, including George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Richard Nixon
However, if these same genealogists were to research on Obama and my family they would probably discover we are related. Yes, Obama’s father came from Kenya – the same continent as my parents. And knowing fully well that he came from a tribe whose roots can be linked to those of my parents I have every reason to believe we are somehow related.

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