Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cameroon: MP advocates for Absolute right to strike and peaceful marches

Hon. Ayah Paul Abine, CPDM Member of Parliament for Akwaya, in the republic of Cameroon, has published what he describes as “My vision of a born-again nation”. Ayah, who doubles as Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of the country’s national assembly and Second class Traditional Ruler of Akwaya Town is advocating for the abolition of cash payments to contractors, road barriers, extension of length of service in the Public Service. A supper scale judge since 2003, the legal mind is calling also for the abolition of capital punishment (death penalty), and all forms of extra-judicial killings.

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

Read Ayah’s vision of a Born-Again Nation below:

FUNDAMENTAL VALUES: Obligation to share with others, Love of mankind and nature- Protection of family, Compulsory moral teaching in schools, Compulsory manual work in schools, Compulsory civic education in schools, Recognition of religious knowledge, Absolute patriotism, General interest first, Work before play, Naked truth ever, Absolute freedom of movement, Absolute freedom of expression and the press, Absolute right to strike and peaceful marches, The law is supreme, The sacredness of life

TRANSITIONAL TIME-LINE: Transitional President of the Republic for a unique five-year term, Transitional government of at most 20 cabinet ministers, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Compulsory declaration of assets as by law required, Resolve the Anglophone Problem second half of first year. Constitutional Commission first half of second year, Public debate on draft constitution second half of second year, Fair copy of draft constitution first half of third year, Constitutional referendum second half of third year, Put in place new institutions in the fourth year, Put in place Independent Electoral Commission, Abolish list system of election, Create individual electoral constituencies, Elections at all levels in the fifth years, Transitional President of the Republic hands over, End of transition


FORM OF STATE: A ten-state Federal Republic, Territorial Organization, Federation: - elected President of the Republic, elected Vice President, Ministers vetted by the Senate upon nomination (b) States: - elected Governor, Secretaries of State, one-chamber House per State (c) Councils: - elected mayors, elected councilors

Capitals: Federal Capital Territory, State Capitals, Council Seats



A. THE EXECUTIVE: President of the Federal Republic: five-year term renewable once (b) Vice President of the Federal Republic (c) Prime Minister vetted by the Senate (d) Ministers: 20 Federal cabinet ministers at most (e) Nominations vetted by the Senate (f) Regulate presidential foreign trips

B. THE LEGISLATURE: Two-chamber House: - the National Assembly - the Senate- 5-year terms renewable (b) Each chamber headed by a speaker elected for 5 years (c) Exclusive jurisdiction in legislation (d) Full power to control government action (e) Single-member constituencies (f) All senators to be elected (g) Referendum on Houses of Chiefs (at States level only)

C. ELECTIONS: Independent Electoral Commission with an elected head (b) Candidate with absolute majority of above 50% wins (c) Second round if no absolute where and whenever necessary (d) Independent Electoral Commission conducts all elections (e) universal suffrage direct and secret, save for mayors (f) voting age from 18 years

D. THE JUDICIARY – (fully independent) (a) Supreme Court headed by a Chief Justice (b) Members to be vetted by Senate upon nominations (c) Hold office till 75 years old (d) States’ Courts of Appeal headed by Appeals Justices (e) States’ High Courts headed by Senior Judges (f) Council Courts headed by Senior Magistrates (g) Once on the Bench ever on the Bench (h) Customary Courts/Alkali Courts headed by court clerks (i) Supreme Judicial Council headed by an elected man of God (j) Set up a consolidated fund (k) abolish “frais de justice/emoluments”

CONSTITUTIONAL COURT: Permanently functional (b) Headed by Federal Justice (c) Composition: 09 (nine) members (d) All nominations to be vetted by the Senate (e) Hold office till the age of 70 (f) Simplified commencement of actions

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE (IMPEACHMENT): One Federal (b) One per State (c) Judges nominated and vetted by Senate/States’ Houses (d) To function regularly (e) Simplified commencement of actions

MILITARY TRIBUNALS: exclusively for court martial

BILINGUALISM: English and French: official languages of equal status (b) Every primary school becomes a bilingual school within 5 years (c) A bilingual secondary school at every council seat within 5 years (d) Eliminatory entry point into universities from 2020: - GCE ordinary level French for Anglophones - BEPC English for Francophones

Bilingualism as eligibility condition from 2020 for the office of: - President of the Republic – Minister - Member of Parliament - Member of Constitutional Council - Magistrates and Judges - Member of Independent Electoral Commission - Principal of a bilingual institution - States’ Governors - Secretaries of State - Manager of a semi-public corporation - Vice Chancellors, their deputies, Registrars etc

Heads and their deputies at sea and air ports (f) Train bilingual teachers in priority (g) Annual awards to best bilingual students nationwide (h) Absolute bilingualism in tourist establishments within 5 years (i) All official placards identically bilingual

THE FLAG: Green – Red – Yellow with one star as it now is

THE NATIONAL ANTHEM: Revision Commission (b) identical meaning in the two official languages (c) Adopted by Parliament


ADVISORY STATE COUNCIL OF THE WISE: Initial membership of at most 11 (eleven) (b) Membership of former Heads of State for life (c) Return/burial of remains of deceased national/nationalist leaders (d) Monuments for deceased national/nationalist leaders (e) Rehabilitation of all national/nationalist leaders


MINISTERIAL TEAM: 20 cabinet ministers at most (b) cabinet: 60% youths; 40% adults (c) youths’ age range: 18 and 40 (d) absolute gender balance – 50/50

ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE: All council seats accessible by earth roads within ten years (b) tarred roads to all State capitals within ten years

AGRICULTURE: Direct subsidies to farmer groupings (b) special grants to youth farmer groups (c) adopt mechanized agriculture (d) a school of agriculture per State

RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Stem rural exodus (b) harness hydro-power through State/private sector partnership (c) rural electricity equitably distributed (d) potable water equitably distributed (e) built and equipped health centers equitably distributed (f) staffed and equipped schools equitably distributed (g) classrooms equitably distributed (h) recreational centers equitably distributed (i) grant loans for building dwelling houses

NATIONAL BUDGET: Investment/recurrent budgets = 50/50 at all levels (b) 20% of entire federal budget evenly distributes to councils (c) 10% of entire federal budget evenly distributed to States (d) grand projects reserved for the Federal Government (e) equipment of the military reserved for the Federal Government (f) equitable distribution of national natural resources

PUBLIC SERVICE: Single entry method for all (b) Federal Public Service Commission for establishment (c) apolitical Public Service (d) entry without competitive examinations (e) automatic establishment five years from entry (f) no establishment solely on indiscipline/poor output (g) career profiles esp. for teachers at all levels

RETIREMENT: Automatic retirement for all (b) automatic pensions upon retirement

EDUCATION a) compulsory primary education (b) free education at primary/secondary school levels (c) half fees at high school level (d) substantial annual subventions to missionary schools/colleges (e) compulsory moral education – Christianity – Islam (f) university fees to be halved for Cameroonians (g) more university hostels at reduced rents (h) building on-campus hostels with loans from Credit Foncier (i) teach affirmative cultural values

CRIMINAL JUSTICE: free at all levels including records of appeal (b) two-month maximum period of custody (c) strict limitation of adjournments (d) custody beyond two months only for capital offences (e) extensive reform of prisons and prison conditions (f) release all political prisoners (including the branded)

NATIONAL DAY: To be examined by a commission (b) to be determined by referendum

TOWN PLANNING: Master plan for each settlement (b) avert demolitions in consequence (c) easy loans for building dwelling houses

ENVIRONMENT: Transparent timber exploitation (b) direct timber royalties to the relevant communities (c) compulsory immediate reforestation (d) protect all water courses

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: Create a fund for research (b) rationalize Cameroon Science Academy (c) exact result/output from researchers

TAXATION: Extensive reform of tax system (b) the rich to pay more (c) induce investors with lower taxes for industries

MINORITIES: Protection (b) special political rights

TRADITIONAL RULERS: Map and classify chiefdoms (b) grant allowances to all chiefs (c) strict observance of customary rules of enthronement

THE MILITARY/OTHER FORCES: Build barracks for all (b) build schools/colleges in barracks (c) build health institutions in barracks (d) provide adequate working tools/equipment free of charge (e) build recreational facilities in barracks: courts, messes etc (f) automatic risk allowance (g) official education insurance for orphans of fallen servicemen (h) official insurance for widows of fallen servicemen (i) absolutely apolitical

EXTRAVAGANCE: Reduce the number of presidential rest houses (b) reduce the number/size of departmental vehicles (c) reduce the number of television sets in public offices (d) maintenance of equipment nation-wide (e) curb luxury furniture in public offices/residences (f) control consumption of power in public offices (g) limit the use of public telephones, vehicles, fuel etc (h) curb distant and expensive seminars, workshops etc

PRIVATE SECTOR: The growth of private initiative (b) public/private sector partnerships (c) attract foreign banks/investors

SOCIAL AFFAIRS: Insurance cover for all persons (b) special insurance for the unemployed (c) insurance cover for the handicapped (d) effective compulsory civil status registration (e) computerized civil status registration

PEACE/SECURITY: Combat crime at all levels (b) re-education of criminals (c) propagate internal individual peace (d) combat all forms of arson (e) investigate every instance of arson in public structures (f) no duty as private watchpersons by police/soldiers (g) public enquiry into road accidents

FOREIGN RELATIONS: maintain traditional allies (b) seek/secure new allies (c) peaceful coexistence with all neighbors without surrender (d) reciprocity in international relations (e) renovate and revitalize diplomatic missions abroad

INDUSTRIALIZATION: secure and protect investments in all industries (b) indigenous/foreign partnerships (c) equitable/compatible location of industries

CORRUPTION: Compulsory declarations of assets (b) encourage/reward probity (c) investigate and punish all culprits without exception (d) serve as a model (e) whistle-blowing

HEALTH: Special status for doctors/nurses (b) free consultations in all public health institutions (c) subsidize basic drugs (d) annual subsidies to private missionary health institutions (e) annual awards to exemplary doctors/nurses

BRAIN DRAIN: Immediate increase in salaries (b) stem ghost workers phenomenon (c) promote and support private initiatives (d) instill hope in the youths (e) no persecution for dissention (f) induce the return of our (scientists): engineers, doctors, etc (g) stem clandestine emigration

TOURISM: Make Cameroon a tourist destination within two years (b) encourages tourism from the abolition of road barriers (c) simplify the establishment of tourist facilities (d) create tourist police for the safety of tourists (e) build and let tourist facilities to the private sector (f) stricter protection of fauna and flora (g) maintenance and protection of monuments (h) maintenance and conservation of natural tourist attractions (i) encourage private initiatives on tourism

INCREASE IN REVENUE: Stem embezzlement by stricter control of movements of funds (b) decrease in the allowances of ministers and equivalents (c) curb waste as per 318 supra (d) foreign exchange from increase in produce export (e) revenue from increase in tourism (f) taxes from the rich (g) stricter accountability from extractive industries (h) increase in industrial export (i) savings from reduction of ministerial cabinets (j) savings from the trimming of ghost workers (k) stricter control of capital flight (l) revenue from mining

EXPORT/IMPORT: Encourage more export (b) ease rules on export (c) control/scrutinize import of second-hand goods (d) encourage the consumption of local products (e) duty-free medicines (f) duty-free agricultural equipment e.g. tractors (g) duty-free aids for the handicapped

DIASPORA: Commitment to building the fatherland (b) grant the right to vote (c) define and grant double nationality (d) grant eligibility to hold elective office (e) encourage and protect investment back home (f) census of every Cameroonian outside the Fatherland (g) guarantee the safety of every Cameroonian abroad

PUBLIC CONTRACTS: Trimmed tenders boards (b) reduce the number of tender documents (c) no physical contacts between contractors and tender boards (d) no physical contacts between finance department and contractors (e) independent bodies for supervision and evaluation of projects (f) time lines for the treatment of contract documents

INDUSTRIAL FREE ZONE: Establish an industrial free zone soonest (b) consequential boom of stock market (c) boost in export (d) quickened mechanized agriculture

TRANSPARENCY: All salaries and allowances without exception to be published (b) all State vehicles to be registered exclusively officially (c) inventory of all State property to be published on websites (d) strict documentation of exhaustible State property (e) regulate the closing of doors in public offices (f) publish annual profits from all public and semi-public corporations

WOMEN: The right to remarry after widowhood (b) the right to own land (c) legal protection from domestic violence (d) the right to succeed deceased husbands e) the right to loans and investment (f) the right to personal bank account (g) unconditional freedom to travel

THE YOUTHS: The right of self-organization (b) access to jobs (no insistence on experience) (c) Grooming: preparations to take over power (d) encourage self-reliant initiatives (e) patriotism (f) instill working spirit (g) leisure after work

SEAPORTS: Kribi and Limbe to be built latest 2016 (b) renovation of the Douala port in 2 years (c) Creek ports to be renovated soonest (d) renovation of seasonal river ports in 5 years (e) establish strict time lines for customs clearance (f) heighten security for the safety of goods (g) conspicuous identification marks to flush out intruders

AIRPORTS: Reopen all existing airports as of 1961 (b) maintenance of all international airports (c) build airstrips in areas inaccessible by road (d) establish time lines for customs clearance (e) acquisition of modern equipment for safety checks (f) uniforms for identification

SPORTS: No preferred sport (b) a world-standard stadium per State (c) build modern playgrounds (d) no interference from Youth and Sports ministry (e) genuine regular elections in federations (f) checks and balances to stem fraudulent conversion (g) a sports school per State


Transformation into faculties: ENAM, Public Works School, P & T School, IRIC etc make the Yaounde Polytechnic school professional apolitical campuses and one federal university per State

ABOLITIONS: Probatoire, collateral ‘courts’, unlawful disruption of work e.g. “keep-clean” days, cash payments to contractors, road barriers, extension of length of service in the Public Service, capital punishment (death penalty), all forms of extra-judicial killings




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