Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cameroon: Women say they prefer wealthy, caring, nice-looking, educated and God-fearing husband

No woman would like to go into a marriage that would be problematic. For this reason some in Cameroon dream of having a wealthy, caring, nice-looking, well-educated and God-fearing husband.
By Yemti Harry Ndienla

Others would prefer to marry a Cameroonian who can express himself very well in the two official languages (English and French) and who comes from the same tribe. Also, they prefer somebody who is fair in complexion and not fat.

“The first thing I would want in a man is his Christian background. The Bible recommends marriage among Christians and as a Christian I would prefer to marry a believer. But since it is not only his Christian background that would ensure a happy home, I would also like that he be handsome, has at least a first degree and be averagely rich. I would also be particularly glad if he comes from my tribe”, Eta Lucy.

Like Lucy, Salange’s desire is to get married to someone who is very intelligent. This is so because she claims not to be very bright and would need someone to make up for her dullness. “You know your husband is your companion, and so he should be your strength where you are week and vice versa. Any intelligent guy, no matter his tribe, looks, etc would suit me”.
However, Menloh says she cannot set conditions for the type of man to marry because she knows God preserves the best for her. Hear her “the Bible tells me that God’s will for me is good, perfect and pleasing and that all good gifts come from Him. I also know that silver and gold can be acquired but a husband worth the name is God-given. I know people who have set conditions for marriage and when they finally get married, they realise that it is not going. I am looking up to God and would wholeheartedly accept anyone He sends to me”.
Others intimated that they would like to get married to a caring man who is also a full-time worker because in the society today, people are often attracted to others by money. They however acknowledged there exist some men who can give you all the money but treat you very poorly and others who can do everything for you but don’t give you money. “I would be attracted to a man who shows proof that he can do all these things for me”, says Erika.
To liaka, “No matter whom a man is what he has and how he looks, if he is not my tribesperson, I would never marry him. I have seen how in-laws have treated girls because they were not from their tribe and would not want such a thing to happen to me. At times they come into your house, plot against you in their dialect since they know you do not understand it and either oust you from it or cause very serious problems in your home. I would prefer my tribesperson so that in riches or poverty, we would understand each other and live in harmony”.
But Evelyn believes in any man who is capable of taking care of himself and a family for as a good husband. “This is so because not all the men you see around can be husbands. I cannot get married to someone just because he is handsome or from my tribe, for he may not be able to feed himself, let alone the next person. That would mean that I would need another man to take care of me, something I detest. Even if a man is digging toilets and can use that to make ends meet, I would marry him without any second thought”.

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