Monday, January 5, 2009

Who are your good friends?

I have a couple of good friends, with whom I meet up from time to time, just for the joy of being with them. We talk about everything and anything. Some times we talk about our problems.

By Yemti Harry Ndienla

What I found very often is that just a word of understanding from these friends is a very consoling and healing experience. These friends don’t offer advice or solutions, simply a word or two, that acknowledges my plight.
As friends we console each other and by doing so we minister to each other the great consolation of this age: the presence of Jesus.

As we gather in church we do a similar thing. We are not all friends in the usual sense, but we are family. And through the prayers of the Mass and the readings and the Sacrament we console each other in our need, whatever that might be.

We minister to each other at the sign of peace, we allow Jesus to minister to us in the reception of His body and blood. We are consoled. This is important to our life as Christians: we need to be consoled and to console each other. We need to receive Christ and be Christ to each.
The world is in crises at the moment. We will be swamped and overwhelmed if we do not allow ourselves to console each other. What profits is there in losing our faith over a crisis that is man made?
On the contrary, our faith can only get stronger if we console each other with Jesus and words of compassion. May be now is the time for us all to seek out our good friends and to seek out Jesus.

For your reflection:
Who are your good friends?
When did you last have a real conversation with your good friends?
When did you last have a real conversation with Jesus?

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